- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper is a report on a survey of the machine and metalworking industries in Ota Ward, which has the largest concentration of small and medium enterprises in Tokyo. Of the 1003 companies within the scope of the survey, 167 responded. The survey was conducted December 1, 1996. The small and medium enterprises of the machine and metalworking industries are concentrated together in the ward and handle varied and complex products and parts. Division of production within the cluster has developed with interdependent relationships in processing technology and know-how. However, there is concern that industry in the ward cannot maintain its competitive edge. The rise in the yen starting in the late 1980s, many companies moving abroad, and the changing domestic and foreign economic environment due to globalization, have precipitated a hollowing out of industry, technology and the area in general. The question now is how to interrupt the process of deindustrialization and render the cluster of companies in the area newly competitive. The aim of the survey is to estimate the structural changes that have taken place in the small and medium enterprises and the basic technologies they depend on. To that end the cluster was analyzed from two different perspectives. Firstly, the multilayered vertical relationships between the large enterprises and their subcontractors, the small and medium enterprises, were examined. Secondly, the horizontal relationships of regional interdependence in processing technology and know-how were determined. This is a structural analysis of concentric circles for the region and industry, with the enterprises at the center. In the results of the survey, it was found that small and medium enterprises are being restructured at a faster pace than first imagined. As the infrastructure changes, the focus should shift from an intra-cluster to an inter-regional cluster division of production, that is to say, networking. The building of these networks is now of the utmost importance. This paper is organized as follows: 1. Overview of the firms surveyed 2. Management of the firms 3. Relationships between the firms 4. Technology and development potential 5. Unit prices and demand 6. Regional development 7. Future expectations of government policy relating to small and medium firms
- 日本大学の論文
- 1998-09-30
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