- 論文の詳細を見る
The shift of consumption from commodities to services continues to be seen as evidence of an affluent consumer society. However, the Economic Planning Agency (EPA) has recently proposed a reassessment of the value of customer services. To narrow the price margin between domestic and foreign goods, the EPA report urges that the service industry be rationalized. In this paper, the significance of consumer services is considered in this context. Firstly, the example of direct person-to-person services is discussed and the proportion of personnel costs within service costs as a whole is estimated. Then the amount the customer actually pays for consumer service is analyzed. In the results, it is found that while the cost of consumer services makes up a large part of the selling and rental price of goods, virtually no service labor in the true sense of the word, that is, the seller directly appealing to the individual to buy the product, is involved. Even without the government report, mechanization would continue to replace personal contact with the customer in the service sector anyway, as it has done largely in the manufacturing sector. In the future, as service becomes more automated, it will entail increasingly less personal contact with the customer. Further, it will neither lead to increased employment opportunities nor provide workers with more creative workplaces. Instead, the service industry will probably go down the same path as the manufacturing industry and experience a deepening alienation of human labor and increasing employment instability.
- 日本大学の論文
- 1998-09-30
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