- 論文の詳細を見る
The basic issue addressed in this paper is as follows. Will the historical process of transition from Pax Britannica to Pax Americana follow a similar pattern of transition in the 21st century, from Pax Americana to another polarized system, or will we see a shift toward a multipolar system? This question is closely linked to the question of whether or not the various NIES (Newly Industrializing Economies) will achieve a historical emergence. The historical emergence of the NIES alters the global hegemony of countries that possess the level of productivity prescribed by the times, i.e., the prescribed capacity for technological development. Thus, this paper concentrates on analyzing the extent to which the newly emerging countries of East Asia (the "Asian NIES") have been able to create their own foundations for technological development. As an analytic tool, I will examine patents and science and technology (S&T) papers, two forms of research and development (R&D) output. To provide an indication of whether a patent or S&T papers conforms to international standards, I will limit the investigation to those granted or published in the United States. Our search through patents and S&T papers revealed a number of fundamental trends. The first trend to emerge from our patent analysis concerns the ranking of US patents by country. Since 1990 in particular, the number of patents developed in Taiwan and South Korea has been ascending through the ranks at an unprecedented rate. As of 1994, both are in the top ten bracket. While this statistic represents a single year only, it nevertheless demonstrates R&D capabilities that the rest of the international community can no longer afford to ignore. The second trend concerns the types of patented technologies. While patents developed in Taiwan cover a relatively wide range of fields, South Korea specializes in electronic and electric devices. A third noticeable characteristic is that the vast bulk of patents developed in Taiwan are individual patents in the form of wide-ranging ventures, whereas the majority of patents developed in South Korea are lodged by the major financial groupings. The Samsung Group alone accounts for nearly 50 per cent of such patents in South Korea. Our search through S&T papers published in the United States found three important trends. Firstly, the number of papers from both Taiwan and South Korea has been rising rapidly since the latter half of the 1980s, suggesting rapid advances in the level of both "everyday" science and technology as well as basic research. Secondly, in terms of the number of papers published in the United States classified according to major keywords, searched by the nationality of the author, the countries of East Asia (including China) rank at a level that can no longer be ignored. The third and final point to note is the way in which the Samsung Group in South Korea exhibits an identical increasing trend. The major fields of research undertaken by the Samsung Group are reflected in its strategic emphasis on technologies, particularly hardware technologies in such fields as electronic and communications engineering. Research undertaken by the Samsung Group, in these fields at least, is already at a world-standard level. Thus, it would appear that the emergence of East Asian countries (particularly the NIES) in this way has accelerated the international dispersion of R&D capabilities together with a paradigm shift in the global technology structure.
- 日本大学の論文
- 1997-03-25
- 産業再編と地域経済の動向 : 生産の海外移転と自治体の対応
- 山本栄治さんの思いで
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- 岩田智著, 『グローバル・イノベーション・マネジメント』-日本企業の海外研究開発活動を中心として-, 中央経済社, 2008年, pp.297
- 2L09 研究開発の国際化と東アジアの研究開発能力((ホットイシュー) アジアのイノベーション・システム (5), 第20回年次学術大会講演要旨集II)
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- Globalization and Networking of R&D Activities : Analysis Centering Around the Cases of IBM Corp., Philips N.V. and NEC Corp.
- 東アジア諸国(NIES)と技術開発力(経済摩擦と国際秩序-パックスアメリカーナと日・韓・中の地域経済圏-,総合研究)
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