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Pharmaceutical development starts with the discovery of a new compound. Drugs become commercially available after non-clinical and clinical studies, but processes that take place after marketing are also important for pharmaceutical development. In recent years, use of the phrase "Ikuyaku" meaning postmarketing development has become more common. Sometimes, the proper usage, indications and harmful effects of a drug are discovered only after it becomes commercially available and is administered to many patients. Hence, pharmacists need to actively perform postmarketing studies to reveal the true nature of drugs. In the present clinicopharmacological study, we investigated the effects of histamine H_2 receptor antagonists (H_2-RAs) on the plasma concentrations of gastrointestinal peptides from the viewpoint of postmarketing development. First we established an enzyme immunoassay for secretin, which is involved in gastrointestinal motility. Then we used this and existing peptide assays to investigate the above-mentioned issues. Ranitidine and nizatidine increased the plasma concentration of motilin. It is believed that the plasma concentration of Ach is elevated by ranitidine and nizatidine, which possesses an anti-AchE activity, and that the increased the plasma concentration of Ach facilitated release of motilin, elevating the plasma concentration of motilin. When compared to the placebo, lafutidine significantly increased the plasma concentration of CGRP (calcitonin gene-related peptide) and substance P. Furthermore, released CGRP stimulated CGRP1 receptors to facilitate secretion of somatostatin. Therefore, lafutidine appears to protect the gastric mucosa and regulate gastrointestinal motility. The same results were obtained with ranitidine and nizatidine. While H_2-RAs have a common function in suppressing the secretion of gastric acid, they do not exhibit the same effects on factors related to recurrence of peptic ulcer, such as gastrointestinal motility and blood flow in the gastrointestinal mucosa. Hence, measuring the plasma concentration of gastrointestinal peptides can be used to estimate the effects of drugs on gastrointestinal motility. From the viewpoint of postmarketing development, we are in the process of establishing indicators for the proper usage of pharmaceutical drugs. Pharmacists need to closely follow and monitor adverse reactions. In order to further improve monitoring of drug therapy, it will be necessary to assess not only the blood concentrations of drugs, but also biological reactions to the drugs. Since the levels of peptides reflect the clinical efficacy of gastrointestinal drugs, measuring peptide levels appears to be useful for selecting appropriate drugs.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 2006-09-01
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- 土-P2-277 血漿中ドリペネムの高感度定量法の確立(TDM・投与設計,ポスター発表,一般演題,再興、再考、創ろう最高の医療の未来)