障害者自立支援法の衝撃 : 障害者福祉はどうなるのか
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This paper discusses issues related to the Services and Support for Persons with Disabilities Act. The Act was passed in October 2005 by the Japanese Diet and went into effect in April 2006. The Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare introduced this Act with the intention of improving the financial basis of the disability services. Theestablishment of the Act has, however, placed the service system in a critical situation. First, the increase of serviceexpenditures places additional financial strain on individuals and their families. In addition, most of the institutions andgroup homes are facing financial difficulties. Furthermore, the restructuring of the services causes displacement of present service users, and sometimes even loss of a place to live. Therefore, together with theexisting budget deficit in Japan, it is unbelievable that supporting persons with disabilities would place anunbearable financial burden even on theeconomy of a superpower such as Japan. The Act will create more problems than it will solve. Japanese society needs a different direction and policy.
- 桃山学院大学の論文
- 2007-01-15
- 障害者福祉における福祉計画の策定と地域生活移行
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