- 論文の詳細を見る
Faunal researches of Porifera were made by the National Science Museum, Tokyo in the years 2001-2005 in the Sagami Sea. During present researches, 535 individuals of Demospongiae, 102 individuals of Hexactinellida and 7 individuals of Calcarea were collected. 1. Demospongiae: 119 species were classified. Among the all specimens, the genus Pachastrella was dominant (15%), and the genus Discodermia was subdominant (9%). Some species among them are worthy to notice: Desmapsamma sp. and Pleroma sp. were the first record in Japan. Axinella cf. profunda, Caminus awashimensis, Ceratopsion sp., Clathria (Clathria) kasumiensis, Clathria (Microciona) sp., Clathria sp., Haliclona (Renierd) negro, Oscarella cf. loburalis, Phorbas sp., Ridleia sp. Thenea cf. irregularis were the first record in the Sagami Sea. Axinella copiosa, Characella stelettodes, Craniella cf. varians, Echionema cf. hilgendorfi, Euchelipluma arbuscula, Penares cf. metastrosa, Phakellia foliacea, Rhizaxinella cf. elevata, Stelletta cf. teres, Stelletta cf. tuba, Stelletta validissima, and Vulcanella (Vulcanella) doederleini were second record in the Sagami Sea after its original description. Some new species will be published after detailed study. 2. Hexactinellida: collected specimens were almost damaged conditions, and the specimens were classified 15 genera 22 species. Worthy species to note was not found. 3. Calcarea: the specimens were classified three genera six species. Worthy species to note was not found. A total of 292 species of Demospongiae, 70 species of Hexactinellida, and 54 species of Calcarea were listed from the Sagami Sea including present results and records from published literatures.
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