明治期における日本商社の豪州進出(第一部 寄稿論文集)
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The purpose of this article is to trace the development of Japanesetrading companies in Australia in the Meiji Period. F. KanematsuTrading Company was the first Japanese-based trading company tooperate its branch office in Australia. It was established in Kobe in1889, with a signboard "Kanematsu Fusajiro Shoten for the Japan-Australia Trade". The Sydney office of F. Kanematsu Trading Companywas opened in April, 1890. Kanematsu foresaw an increase in thedemand for wool and was engaged on importing it directly fromAustralia.After the Sino-Japanese War (1893-1894) F. Kanematsu TradingCompany was interested in developing the Japan-China trade andopened its branch office in Shanghai. The Company suffered greatlosses due to the failure in speculative trade with China. The Japan-Australia trade became the main business of the Company again afterthe Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905). The military demand for woolencloth occasioned by the Russo-Japanese War elevated the demand forimported raw wool. Three major Japanese trading companies―MitsuiBussan, Okura, and Takashimaya-Iida opened branch offices in Sydneyafter the Russo-Japanese War. The market opportunities for Japanesetrading companies expanded rapidly during the period of the FirstWorld War. Other Japanese trading companies―Mitsubishi Shoji,Nihon Menka and others―opened branch offices in Australia at thebeginning of 1920's. The competition among Japanese trading companiesbecame severe. It is impressive that Mitsui Bussan surpassed F.Kanematsu (Australia) Ltd. at the volume of buying Australian Wool inthe mid 1920's.
- 法政大学の論文
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- 安岡重明・藤田貞一郎・石川健次郎編著『近江商人の経営遺産 : その再評価』
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