いかにして会社法のおもしろさを伝えるか : 第3回教育褒賞を受賞して(教育褒賞受賞者の授業改善)
- 論文の詳細を見る
As the 2005 3rd recipient of the award for good teaching, I herein report how things go in my class of Corporation Law course. This article, however, is not an academic paper, but an essay of my way of teaching. In view of the indifference of a given teacher to educating skills of others, I first emphasize "the influence of Socrates' methods in American law school. As a good example of such course is from the Corporation course form Columbia Law school in the U.S. This experience affected my lecture very much. The lecture which the students would participate eagerly is an ideal goal for me, where every students were excited to have the lecture. The most important point, I believe, is How I could convey the meaning and pleasure of learning Corporation Law to students, not the technic itself.
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- いかにして会社法のおもしろさを伝えるか : 第3回教育褒賞を受賞して(教育褒賞受賞者の授業改善)
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