アビダルマのともしび : 第五章随眠品翻訳研究(2)
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The Abhidharmadipavibhasaprabhavrtti (ADV.) is quite a unique Sanskrit manuscript discovered from a Tibetan monastery. It has very important discussions between Mahayana and Sarvastivadin. Mahayana criticized the traditional school, Sarvastivadin as Hinayana (Inferior Vehicle). Traditional schools were, however, said to comment no word against Mahayana Nobody succeeded in translating ADV. into the modern language since Dr. Jaini published it in 1957, because this work requires us a sufficient knowledge on the Abhidharma theory using the commentaries kept in the Chinese Canon and the Tibetan Tripitaka. In this paper, the part (Verse No.298-382) of the chapter V of the ADV. is translated into Japanese with detailed footnotes.[Verse No.298-311] The fundamental principle of the Sarvastivada school, namely, the reality of the past and future elements, is discussed here examining four leaders opinion of the Sarvastivada school and the Parinamavada of Samkhya, the Guna of Vaiseshika. [Verse No.312-324] Dipakara criticizes the Darstantika who supports niratmaka (no intrinsic nature). The ADV. quotes Kumaralata's view supporting the Vaibha-shika viewpoint. It also examines the doctrine of Sunyatavada, and contains a valuable reference to the Tri-svabhavavada of the Kosakara, Vasubandhu who is described as a Mahayanist fallen from the Sarvastivada.[Verse No.325-359] The ADV. deals with different anusayas obtaining in different states of mind. The AKBh. is very brief and explains this point by way of an illustration of the sukhendriya. The ADV. devotes twenty-five verses to this topic.[Verse No.360-370] The ADV. devotes to the exposition of other klesas grouped as asrava, ogha, yoga, upadana, samyojana, bandhana and grantha.[Verse No.371-383] The upaklesas or minor klesas collected in the Kshdraka-vastu (corresponding to the Pali Khuddaka-vatthu-vibhanga) are dealt in the ADV-Vrtti. The AKBh. is very brief and mentions only three upaklesas. The last portions of this chapter containing details on the klesa-prahana and klesa-parijna are lost.
- 立正大学の論文
- 2005-03-20
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