在来織物業の技術革新と化学染料 : 伝統色から流行色へ
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The introduction of chemical dyeing materials in order to develop new textile products had a great influence on the domestic fashion textiles market in early Meiji Japan. This paper investigates how the possibility of new dyes encouraged technological growth in regional silk production districts as well as in dominant Japanese textile production centers such as Nishijin, Kiryu, and Ashikaga. In the years after the competitive exhibition in 1885, several regional silk production districts developed new textile products by introducing new technology in the form of chemical dyeing materials from Western Europe. In particular, the most active local districts such as Hachioji, Isesaki, and Tokamachi, succeeded in developing new fashions through the production of new textiles that were of high quality in terms of weaving, yarn quality, dyeing, weight, design, and price. On the other hand, regional silk production districts which had neglected to introduce newtechnology simply stagnated or declined. High quality newtextiles with fashionable designs were essential to the development of the textile industry in Japan.
- 2004-03-25
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