システム性の実在根拠 : システム諭を問い直す(<特集>システム論を問いなおす)
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Uses of systems theory are now to be evaluated in terms of pragmatic norms rather than norms of correspondence or coherence. We therefore should formulate empirical problems to be solved as clearly as possible. Wholeness or totality of a system is determined according to the problems under concern. The present paper, by illustrating two episodes, attempts to show that wholeness of a system is determined only empirically. This means that the determination hinges upon researchers, perception of what is a problem to be solved, which is again not free from their value commitment and philosophy. Furthermore, the determination is not complete without considering possible unintended consequences of social action and a temporal stream of events from the past to the future.
- 社会・経済システム学会の論文
- 2000-11-10
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