6 水平力をうける立体架構のLimit Analysis
- 論文の詳細を見る
There have been some studies an the limit analysis of plane framework subjected to various loading. As yet, however, little attention has been paid to that of space frame. Particularly, since the final capacity of actual structure subjected to lateral force is decided according to the entire collapse of structure, it will be necessary to treat structure as space frame. From this viewpoint, on the present paper the authors intended to study the conditions of collapse of space frame subjected to lateral force, relations between final capacity and eccentricity of lateral force, the states of stress in yield hinge, and so on. At first, the interaction curve for bending and twisting of plastic bar of circular section was obtained by means of the application of the method which P.G. Hodge used in his paper (Jour, of App. Mech. Sept. 1957), and it was shown that the curve coincides with the approximation from above according to R. Hill and M.P.I. Siebel (Jour, of Mech. and Phys. of Solid, 1953). And the equation (M/M_0)^2+(T/T_0)^2=1 being approximate to the interaction curve was adopted as yield limit of column under combined action of bending and twisting. The analysis on the final capacity of space frame subjected to lateral force was shown under the assumption that sections of all columns are circular and the floor is aufficiently rigid, and some examples were taken. As the result, the relation between the final capacity and the eccentricity of lateral force, the ratio of T/T_0 to M/M_0 in yield hinge and phases of collapse of space frame were discussed. Particularly, the fact that T/T_0 is generally negligible in the comparison with M/M_0 for the formation of yield hinge was certified. And a practical method of calculation of the final capacity was shown by means of the neglection of torsion based on the fact mentioned above.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1959-03-25
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