DSMC法における非弾性衝突モデルの輸送係数特性 : 第2報,ParkerのRotational Energy Gain Functionの改良(流体工学,流体機械)
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The rotational energy gain function for inelastic collision models in the Monte Carlo simulation of rarefied gas flow is calcuated by the Monte Carlo integration technique with the classical trajectory calculation (CTC) of diatomic molecule. The rotational energy gain function presented in this study is combined with the statistical inelastic cross section (SICS) model and then applied to the evaluation of transport coefficients of nitrogen gas using the Wang-Chang-Uhlenbeck (WCU) theory, and the comparative simulation of nitrogen normal shock wave structure among the presented energy gain function, Parker's energy gain function, and experimental data. This study demonstrated that the transport coefficients and shock wave structures of present energy gain function are in better agreement with those of experimental results than Parker's energy gain function.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2005-06-25
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