The Weak Hawkins-Simon Property after a Suitable Permutation of Columns : Dual Sufficient Conditions
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Fujimoto-Ranade [5] showed that an inverse-positive real square matrix has the weak Hawkins-Simon property after a suitable permutation of columns. In a recent paper by Bidard [1], he proved that if the last column of the inverse of a real square matrix is strictly positive, the matrix enjoys the weak Hawkins-Simon property after a suitable permutation of columns. Then Fujimoto-Ranade [7] gave a series of sufficient conditions which bridge these two sets of conditions. This note represents a dual form of sufficient conditions based upon one of Bidard's observations in [1]. Also, using this, we present a proposition which contains a sufficient condition under which a matrix cannot satisfy the weak Hawkins-Simon property even after any permutation of columns, thus cannot be an inverse-positive matrix.
- 香川大学の論文
- 2005-09-01
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