終末期患者の家族に対する看護介入の一考察 : 壮年期の夫を持つ妻への援助を通して
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Because of growing interest in nursing intervention for cancer patients, much attention is now paid to assistance for families supporting such patients. Especially in terminal care, it is important to assist patients and families during the periods of predicted grief after death. Nursing intervention should be performed with an understanding of the crises the whole family faces. An investingation was made of a 43-year-old lung cancer patient. The results suggest the following four points. 1. Hospitalization of the patient caused great changes in the role and function of his family. 2. Psychological crises are precipitated, not only in the patient, but also in his family. 3. It is necessary to assess the whole family from the aspect of family dynamics in order to perform nursing interventions. 4. It is necessary to perform appropriate nursing intervention according to the psychological stage of the family.
- 群馬大学の論文
- 1992-03-31
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