- 論文の詳細を見る
Cavitation erosion data have been accumulated in our laboratory for about 34 years since 1970. The database was constructed as electronic data in Excel file. The data file is able to offer quick search in terms of test material, test method and test condition from among 986 data. The stainless steel data were analyzed, including various stainless steels such as ferritic, austenitic, duplex and martensitic stainless steel. The average of erosion rate under the standardized condition (ASTM G32, stationary specimen method, standoff distance 1mm) was determined for different stainless steels. The erosion resistance was defined as a reciprocal of erosion rate, and the correlation between erosion resistance and hardness of eroded area after erosion test was better than with the other mechanical properties. The erosion resistance is equal to 2.6× 10^<-7> ×(HV× F_<max>)^<2.4>. (HV; Vickers hardness, F_<mat> ; Material factor), and the correlation coefficient is 0.98. It was concluded that the erosion resistance of different stainless steels could be estimated precisely from the material hardness and material factor.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2005-08-25
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