高圧での稠密鉄の熱物性に関する研究 : 第2報,ユゴニオ温度,定積比熱,グリュナイゼン係数の有効性
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The constant-volume specific heats on the Hugoniots C_<VH> and the temperature-independent Gruneisen coefficients γ for close-packed Fe were evaluated using a clasical thermodynamic theory constructed in the previous report. The inaccuracy of some existing ab initio temperature Hugoniots for solid Fe was found by showing that the heats C_<VH> have too small values. While a C_<VH> distribution in the solid phase range was demonstrated to agree approximately with a previous ab initio distribution in the previous report, the corresponding γ distribution was significantly higher than the ab initio distribution in the lower pressure region. In the liquid phase range, the γ distribution had a considerably larger slope than the ab initio distribution. The causes of these disagreements are clarified.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2004-07-25
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