思考と表現 : ジャン・ギットン先生から学生への勧め
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Jean Guitton, French writer, Catholic philosopher and great scholar of the 20^<th> century, writes books on thinking and expression for students. He refers to many writers, poets, philosophers, above all, Blaise Pascal. Guitton agrees with Pascal's idea on man's dignity in thinking: <L'homme n'est qu'un roseau, mais c'est un roseau pensant.> On thinking, at first, Guitton points out admiration and surprise as its motivation. Then, he shows two kind of thinking: judgment and imagination. And to develop the ability of thinking, he teaches 3 ways: to choose, to differentiate and to refute. However, his teaching is not to deepen skepticism, but to strengthen one's belief. Regarding expression, Guitton gives advice about the mutual relations between the contents and the forms of expression, the style of sentences and the composition. Guitton exhorts us to write sentences as if we are speaking to a student who has not a lot of knowledge, but capable of understanding, with the prerequisite that we can speak well and clearly; in other words, to speak as if we are guiding a student through a museum or a garden. Descartes wrote in way that he would address a princess. Renan to his elder sister. Guitton advises to choose good and polite words. And in his last book, he gives the most important advice by citing the preface of the Fables of La Fontaine, that is, 1) to write short sentences, 2) to give pleasure to the readers, and at last, 3) (this may seem impossible, but it is necessary) to touch the reader's heart.
- 関西学院大学の論文
- 2006-03-15
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