『ラ・ロシェル信仰告白』 : その成立の歴史
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In the 16^<th> century, a church without its confession was not considered worthy of claiming the name of church. In May 1559, the members from 70 reformed churches in France gathered in Paris to have the first Synod to compose the text of their confession of the faith. During this congress, they received a draft of the confession from the messenger of John Calvin, Reformer of Geneve. This is the draft which they were waiting for. This draft of Calvin's was composed of 35 chapters. They did not amend the draft between Chapter 2 and Chapter 34, but they divided Chapter 35 into 2 chapters, and above all, divided chapter 1, which is Calvin's excellent and beautiful introduction of this draft. into 5 chapters. Calvin was a great Reformer, but not a Pope, so the members of the Synod could amend Calvin's draft. In any case, the text of the confession was drawn up, and in this Synod, the French Reformed Church decided on their Confession. On April 2^<nd> 1571, the 7^<th> Synod was held, with the attendance of four eminent persons, that is, Jeanne d'Albret, Queen of Navarre, Henri de Navarre, later King of France, Prince Conde, and Amiral Coligny. After eager discussions, presided by Theodore de Beze, on the articles, this Synod ratified the Confession as that of the French Reformded Church. This Confession is called Confession de La Rochelle. Today, this confession is authorized as one of the most significant credos among the traditional Credos.
- 2004-03-25
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