都市共生社会の探究 : マイノリティをめぐる地域福祉の思想・理念に関する考察
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One of the characteristics of urban areas is 'diversity' which is composed of minorities such as ethnic groups, immigrants, rough sleepers, alcoholic, elderly people, disabled people, etc. They tend to be excluded and face discrimination by majorities of the society. This study is a consideration from a standpoint of community welfare about ideological frameworks to solve such problems; integration, social inclusion, normalization, and symbiosis. Although these are well-known, we have not yet shared a common ideology about them; these are often treated as 'similar theories' or even 'synonyms'. Therefore, it seems to be necessary to put the concepts in order, to facilitate the development of macro practice for minority groups. From this context, this study attempts to create typologies; an axis of relationships among concepts (process and final goal), factors (dualistic and pluralistic), type of involvement (integration or inclusion and respect for diversity), and target systems (people in need or community). This argument provides a framework to address some practical issues in this field.
- 2005-11-08
- 都市共生社会の探究 : マイノリティをめぐる地域福祉の思想・理念に関する考察
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