教室における異文化ショックの疑似体験の試み : スーダン東部ベジャ族の憑依儀礼ザールのビデオを用いて
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This article reveals my attempt to give students pseudo-experience of culture shock in a classroom, by watching zar (spirit possession ceremony) videotaped among the Beja in Eastern Sudan. Data was collected in the class of cultural anthropology 2003-2004. Firstly, I showed them the videotape without mentioning the content. After that, students wrote anything they observed, felt and thought. I filed up and analyzed what they wrote in papers, and shared with them in a next class. Some of their writings are attached as a source for discussion in this article.
- 関西学院大学の論文
- 2005-09-20
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- 乾燥地農業概論
- 教室における異文化ショックの疑似体験の試み : スーダン東部ベジャ族の憑依儀礼ザールのビデオを用いて
- 乾燥熱帯沿岸域と牧畜システム--人間・ヒトコブラクダ関係に焦点をあてて
- Kyoko Nakamura (中村香子) “Adornments of the Samburu in Northern Kenya: A Comprehensive List” The Centre for African Area Studies, KyotoUniversity, 2005, 160p. +viii, 非売品.