- 論文の詳細を見る
The application of 17-7 P. H. Stainless Steel in Dentistry was investigated. The age-hardening effect of this steel was considerably remarkable and its mechanical properties can be controled by a double heat treatment. In the present paper the following subjects were studied in view of practical applications; 1 Its mechanical properties as a dental material. 2 The appropriate conditions of heat treatment for this steel. 3 The in vitro in vivo corrosion resistance. 4 Phase transformation during aging The results were smmarized as follow; First, the steel was subjected to a prior treatment (1050℃-30min) then tempered (760℃-30min, prompt quenching), and finally accomplished a precipitation hardening treatment (450℃-500℃-30miprompt quenching). The steel thus obtained showed the propertie extremely suitable for dental use, having the following mechaniccal values. Hv(0.5)= 500,_<σB>= 170kgmm^2,_ε = 5~7% The corrosion reistance was exarnined by immersing in the four standard reaqents HCl, Na_2S, C_3H_6O_3,NaCl, at 37C. A slight change was observed in its color and weight in cases of hydrochloric acid and sodiurn chloride, but no appreciable changes were found even in its 60 days adaptation in oral cavity. The phase changes during the aging was studied by means of ptical microscope, electron microscope, and electric resistance measurement. The results seemed to suggest that the hardening process of this steel is necessary to pass over the three stages; austenite-martensite-precipitation, though the precipitated phase itself could noy be detected. Finally, the steel was tentatively applied to clinical usage; clasp, bar supporting apparatus for orthodontics and fixing apparatus for alveolar pyorrhoea, obtaining the satisfactory results in most cases.
- 鹿児島大学の論文
- 1996-03-25
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