下位脳幹運動核における筋支配対応配列 : とくに咀嚼筋,顔面筋および舌筋支配について
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Myotopical arrangement of motoneurons innervating oro-facial muscles in lower brainstem was reviewed. The trigeminal nerve supplies masticatory and 2 tensor muscles. Motoneurons of jaw opener and closer of masticatory muscles were distributed in the dorsolateral and ventromedial divisions of the trigeminal motor nucleus, respectively. Though the tensor tympani motoneurons were located ventrolateral to the trigeminal motor nucleus in the reticular formation, not in the nucleus, the tensor veli motoneurons existed close to area of the lateral pterygoid motoneurons. Motoneurons of the posterior digastric muscle were located in the accessory facial nucleus followed the trigeminal motor nucleus caudally. Superficial facial muscle (mimetic muscle) motoneurons were localized in the facial nucleus, on the other hand, deep facial muscles motoneurons were distributed in the reticular formation around the facial nucleus. The ventromedial (or ventral) and dorsolateral ( or dorsal) divisions of the hypoglossal nucleus innervated protrusor and retractor of tongue muscles, respectively. Extrinsic tongue muscle motoneurons were situated in lateral and ventral portions of this nucleus, and intrinsic muscle motoneurons in medial portion. Myotopical distribution pattern of motoneurons among animal species had a small difference, whereas motoneurons of each muscle was arranged almost according to the principle mentioned above.
- 鹿児島大学の論文
- 1993-03-25
植村 正憲
植村 正憲
田畑 正志
和田 薫
植村 正憲
鹿児島大学 大学院医歯学総合研究科 歯科機能形態学分野
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