象牙質の体液流動に関する形態学的考察(II) : ラット切歯歯髄の毛細血管について
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(1) To study the three-dimensional structure of rat's incisors, we prepared resin casts and observed them through the scanning electron microscope. The findings concerning the arterial and venous distributions indicated that the body fluid pressure increases at the labial part and decreases at the lingual part. Judging from the distribution of arteries, each of the 1mm-long cylinders forming an incisor may be a biological unit with regard to the body fluid. (2) We observed two types of blood capillaries by transmission electron microscope(TEM). One was a continuous capillary wall and the other was a fenestrated capillary wall. The former were found chiefly in the basal portion of the incisor and the latter were only in the incisal portion. It seems that this distribution of capillaries is related to their function, I.e., the mineralization of dentine. (3) The blood capillaries were studied by TEM of thin sections and examination of freeze-fracture replicas. In this method, en face views were obtained of occluding junctions between adjacent endothelial cells of capillaries in the pulp. The tight junctions were macula occludens, not perfect zonula occludens. The fenestrated capillaries of the dental pulp differed from those of the intestine in their distribution pattern and density of fenestrae.
- 鹿児島大学の論文
- 1992-03-25
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- 象牙質の体液流動に関する形態学的考察(II) : ラット切歯歯髄の毛細血管について
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- 象牙質の体液流動に関する形態学的考察