家計破綻と世帯内関係 : 多重債務経験者へのインタビュー調査と家計調査を基に
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This paper reports power balance between couples term of family budget management and partnership of the couples after debt adjustment processes. The study was conducted by interviewing people who were multiple debtors and using statistics from household expenditure surveys. First, the type of power balances between couples involved in family budget management was typified by four groups. These four groups were used to investigate the decisive factors surrounding heavy debts. Power balance, however, were only one element of family budget management and many other dimensions were involved in the issues of multiple debts. Second, the partnership of couples experiencing debt adjustment processes was examined. Wives participated in the process by getting part-time jobs and increasing the family income for paying the debts. This participation presents a positive partnership for family revitalization. It, however, also suggests a possibly more complex issue related to gender if debt management is deemed as a female task.
- 昭和女子大学の論文
- 2006-03-31
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- 米国の消費者破産にみる女性と家族
- 家計破綻と世帯内関係 : 多重債務経験者へのインタビュー調査と家計調査を基に