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As I stated in my previous paper, Each narrative's violence derives from its impenetrability, when we form a narrative about an incident, we would not allow another narrative to be formed. This is what I call the impenetrability of a narrative, from which each narrative works as non-active violence toward another narrative told at the same time: the former inevitably excludes the latter and the reverse is also true. But when we make a false or incorrect narrative about an incident or someone, the narrative will work as active violence because, excluding some correct narratives about them, we deal with them unfairly. In this paper, I name such a false or incorrect narrative 'a narrative told by intellect'. By the word 'intellect' Bergson means the perception without quality. As Bergson said, we, human beings, perceive objects with both quality and quantity, while animals, except human beings, perceive them mainly with quality. Consequently, such animals cannot manage them as well as we can because, as Bergson said, the ability to perceive objects with quantity enables us to manage them, using mainly language. From my point of view, this ability also enables us to use violence on others, making false or incorrect narratives about them. Therefore, if we really want to realize non-violence, we should not make such false or incorrect narratives. In this paper, I try to make clear how to avoid telling false or incorrect narratives about others.
- 2006-03-31
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