- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper deals with the historical development of catholic child care institution in Kyusyu. In the early Meiji period, Urakami child care institutions were built in Nagasaki. After the middle Meiji period, institutions continued to be built in various district. But, in war time, priests and sisters, they were foreigners, were confined. So institutions were hard to be managed. After the War, new institutions were built for the war orphan. The institutions that were already built before the War were also reformed and expanded. Some institutions merged and some were abolished. The institutions were reorganized. The characteristics of Catholic child care institutions were self-sufficient life by working on farm. Sisters worked on farm without reward. Medical institutions had relations with other institutions. So they changed. This paper proves the roles of Catholic child care institutions in the developing of social welfare in Japan.
- 長崎純心大学・長崎純心大学短期大学部の論文
- 2006-03-01
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