聖書は肉食・動物をどう扱っているか : シナイと荒れ野の旅 : 出エジプト記・レビ記,民数記・申命記
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According to the Book of Genesis, the food that God gave to human beings was "vegetable food - plants with seeds, namely grains and fruit". However, after Noah's flood, God gave human beings permission to eat meat, with some restrictions. The Book of Deuteronomy 12: 20-22 says as follows: You may eat as much meat as you want". It is said to be a compromise given to human beings by God. I concretely considered how this compromise was carried out. I examined the history of meat-eating after Genesis through the Books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. I came to the conclusion that meat was eaten in exact accordance with the regulations which God established. Fundamentally people were requested to be sacred in the context of God's sacredness. Meat-eating was no exception and was treated within the frame of sacredness. In concrete terms, the regulation was strict not only about the kinds of meat, but also "where", "who", what" and "how much". Meat was the offering to God at the ritual service. Some of the meat offered to God was burnt, but in most cases the remainder was eaten by the people in the company of God, in the tent. People arrived at compensation, atonement, or reparation in the presence of God. Meat was eaten for justifiable reasons, not by the people's thoughtless free will.
- 2006-03-18
- 聖書は肉食・動物をどう扱っているか : ヨシュア記,士師記,ルツ記,サムエル記上下
- 聖書は肉食・動物をどう扱っているか : シナイと荒れ野の旅 : 出エジプト記・レビ記,民数記・申命記
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