- 論文の詳細を見る
Astudy of the spatial use of Machiya (town houses) in Okayama district from the viewpoint of the initiation ceremonies and annual events: (1) In both districts, space for Hare (holy) and Kegare (uncleanness), that is character of Japanese folkloristic space, is not separated but some spaces for initiation ceremonies and annual events are separated. (2) In Shimotsui district, each space for initiation and annual events is separated from other spaces. On the other hand in Yakage district, the space for maternity ward and the space for wedding ceremony is separated from other spaces, and other spaces are combined. In Minka (farmer's house) in both districts, the characteristic of spatial use is the same as the characteristic in Machiya in Yakage district. (3) The space for maternity ward is separated from other spaces of initiation ceremonies and annual events, that is the same as Okayama district and all parts of the country. (4) The space for wedding ceremony is separated from other spaces for initiation ceremony and annual events in Machiya. On the other hand in Minka (farmer's house), the space for wedding ceremony is combined with other spaces for initiation ceremony and annual events. This difference of spatial use for wedding ceremony is connected with the change of wedding ceremony. It is thought that the space for wedding ceremony spread widely in Okayama district after the Meiji period, and many Zashiki spaces on the first floor in Machiya were made for wedding ceremony.
- 2005-07-30
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