Hydroxyapatite (HA) blockを用いた椎体圧迫骨折に対する経皮的椎体形成術 : 手術方法について
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Vertebroplasty with bone cement for vertebral compression fracture has been increasing, recently. However, serious complications, such as pulmonary embolism or paraplegia, have been reported. We performed vertebroplasty using hydroxyapatite blocks for vertebral compression or burst fracture for 25 patients, 26 vertebral bodies since February 2003 and gained good results. In our institution, we use 2.5ml disposable syringes and operate percutaneously using fluoroscope because of a little invasion. Preoperative average visual analogue scale (VAS) was 6.9 and postoperative average VAS was 1.0. Postoperatively vertebral body height decreased around 13% as compared to just after operation, but there have been no symptomatical complications and no recurrence of pain until now. Though we think this method is still improving, we show our present procedure of this operation.
- 2006-09-30
西岡 和哉
今井 治通
西岡 和哉
西岡 和哉
和歌山県立医科大学附属病院 紀北分院 脳神経外科
今井 治通
和歌山県立医科大学附属病院 紀北分院 脳神経外科
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