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We report two patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) who are under rehabilitation treatment at our hospital. They are undergoing a highly active antiretroviral therapy. Case 1, a male in his forties, came down with toxoplasmic encephalitis and later developed right hemiplegia, truncal ataxia and higher brain dysfunction. He received antibiotic therapy and medical rehabilitation. As a result, his impairment improved. He has been trained to acquire the means of coping with his frontal lobe dysfunction so as to have access to a job once again. Case 2, a male in his fifties, has muscle weakness, sensory disturbance in his lower extremities and easy fatigability. His illness was diagnosed as AIDS ten years ago. AIDS wasting syndrome and distal symmetrical polyneuropathy caused his symptoms. He has performed therapeutic exercises. The muscular weakness has lasted, but he can continue to live alone by making good use of an electric wheelchair and receiving on-visit nursing and home help services. In many ways, AIDS can cause functional impairments and disabilities. When we employ rehabilitation strategies to manage impairments associated with AIDS, we must discuss the condition of the patient and the cause of their impairments one by one. The serious problem of AIDS rehabilitation is that social participation is difficult for patients with AIDS. With AIDS turning into a chronic condition, the rehabilitation strategies play an expanded role for people living with AIDS. Even though there are only a few AIDS patients in our rural district, we will strive to provide adequate rehabilitation services to them.
- 社団法人日本リハビリテーション医学会の論文
- 2006-10-18
寺岡 史人
樋端 佑樹
宍戸 康恵
西 眞歩
樋端 佑樹
西 眞歩
長野県厚生農業協同組合連合会佐久総合病院 リハ科
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