A Model of Psycho-Educational Approach for Spirituality Types Divided by the 3 Factors of Will, Joy and Sense with the principle of primary light color(セション<ヒーリング・セラピー>,第22回生命情報科学シンポジウム)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The first purpose of this study is to propose a model of the Psycho-educational approaches according to the type of spirituality based on the 3 factor spirituality theory. The second purpose is to use the principle of primary light colors, to show the traits of spirituality visually and to give information for future investigations to connect psychology and physics on the research of spirituality. The 3 factor spirituality theory was lead through a series of research using SBAS-TEST which has been developed to measure spirituality appeared as an individual's psychological maturity level. According to the high-low scores of 3 factors, Will, Joy and Sense, 8 spirituality types are formed. Each type has its own trait and the specific psycho-educational approach for each type was proposed. The ideal state of the 3 factors, will, joy, and sense, of spirituality represent The truth, The beautiful and The good. We apply the primary light colors blue, red, and green for the 3 factors, will, joy and sense respectively. By using the principle of primary light colors the traits of the spirituality was able to be explained visually. We also tried to integrate and sort the traditional psycho-educational approaches based on the 8 spirituality types. For the lack of will the approaches focusing on behavioral and cognitive level is appropriate. For the lack of joy the existential level, for the lack of sense the approaches to focus on transcendental level are considered to be useful.
- 国際生命情報科学会の論文
- 2006-09-01
尾崎 真奈美
奥 健夫
尾崎 真奈美
Department of Psycho-Sociology, Faculty of Literature, Tokai University
奥 健夫
Institute for Consciousness Information Research
尾崎 真奈美
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