メディアのグローバル化と情報倫理 : 文化、市場、権力の緊張関係について
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This paper attempts to explore the role of the media and their changes in the age of globalization. We live in the midst of the fastest and most profound transformation in the history of humanity. As a result, global journalism is also drifting in turbulent waters. Globalization of news is having far reaching effects on the news gatherers and the news dissemination. The epochal challenges that confront the media are numerous and diverse and, in one way or another, they call for new insights, new ethics, and a great deal of journalistic creativity. For this reason, they call for a new vision. In global-spanning and interacting conditions, we must evolve a vision and a consciousness capable of embracing life on a small planet swimming in the vast expanse of interstellar space. The shift from a culture of confrontation and coexistence to a culture of participation and interexistence is urgent and imperative. Journalism must play a leading role by updating the way it perceives the world. It needs news communication for a new global system.
- 大同工業大学の論文
- 地球時代のメディア文章技法に関する実践的研究 : 取材・編集現場の体験と思索から
- メディアのグローバル化と情報倫理 : 文化、市場、権力の緊張関係について
- グローバルメディア学序説 : ジャーナリズムの地平と文明のマクロ転換