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This paper describes the properties of the induction motors by the field oriented control with the unstable domains determined by Routh's stability criterion. Dead time is considered in PWM inverter. Two kinds of unstable domains are made clear in terms of modulation indexes and frequencies for the parameters "inductors and capacitors". The unstable domains with one unstable solution do not change with inductors and capacitors. It is the unstable domain with two unstable solutions that is subject to change. The change of inductors exerts more influence on the unstable domains than that of capacitors. The unstable domain grows wider with large inductor. Stator current loci on the rotating axes which move at the speed of stator flux (γ-δ plane) are shown for modulation indexes and frequencies with two unstable domains of the least area combined. As the frequencies increase, the loci move clockwise and approach the origin parabolically. The steady-state torques and the maximum torques are calculated by the new method. The frequencies and the modulation indexes for the maximum torque are the same for the boundary of two unstable domains. Using the new idea, an induction motor can be driven in the field oriented control to make the torque proportional to the δ-component of stator current like a DC motor in changing modulation index and frequency. But the stable domain is narrower than that of DC motor, because the unstable domains occupy two thirds of whole domains.
- 大同工業大学の論文
石橋 文徳
石橋 文徳
神本 勝巳
糸見 和信
Ex-information and mechanical system engineering
神本 勝巳
糸見 和信
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