玉軸受から潤滑油への熱伝達に関する実験的研究 : 油浴潤滑の場合
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Until today, size reduction of the bearing housing in induction motors has been made based mainly on past experiences. However, size reduction based on these experiences sometimes has induced excessive temperature in the bearing. Therefore, in order to better design the housing, it is necessary to analyze heat flow and temperature distribution around the bearing. One of the factors which largely affects the accuracy of the results of these analyses is the heat transfer coefficient from bearing to lubricant. However, practical papers with respect to its heat transfer have yet to be published. In this paper, the following experimental equation of its heat transfer in the case of oil bath lubrication was obtained through experimental study intended for practical use. When the Prandtl number and Reynolds number are expressed by Pr and Re, the Nusselt number Nu can be expressed as follows : Nu=0.27 Pr^<1/3>Re^<0.53>.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1992-12-25
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