- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of the present study was to investigate about the courses in life, careers and school evaluation among the alumni who graduated from training schools for nursery teachers. In this study, subjects were graduates who are in their 1^<st>, 3^<rd>, 7^<th> year after graduation. 1291 graduates (1213 male and 78 female), who had majored childcare, the humanities and general education, technology, and domestic science, and graduated from 8 colleges in Kyushu area, answered our questionnaire. The feedback rate was 17.5%. The items of the questionnaire were 1) school entrance, school life and graduates' evaluation toward the contents of education of their college, 2) entering employment, 3) entering the next stage of education, 4) participation and needs of lifelong learning, 5) behavior and sense of values in private life, 6) overall evaluation toward their college. The results were as follows: First, graduates who graduated from training schools for nursery teachers were satisfied with the education of their college more than other major. Second, they were satisfied with their job for a couple of years after graduation, and then graduates who are working as nursery teachers or preschool teachers used their knowledge that they had learned in their college days. Third, they strongly asked for practical learning. In addition, the graduates who had received it at their college highly valued their college. However, the more the number of years after graduation proceeded, the lower their evaluation was. These findings suggest that alumni who graduated from training schools for nursery teachers are satisfied with their college sufficiently because they found jobs related to their majors and qualifications. However, their satisfaction was lower as the number of years after graduation proceeded because they realized insufficiency of their knowledge that they had obtained at their colleges. In other words, the longer they work, the more they are in need of higher level of knowledge. It is inferred that we may have to provide them some opportunities for their learning (e.g. recurrent education) that compensate for the lack of their knowledge.
- 長崎短期大学の論文
- 2.短期大学卒業生の学習経験と初期キャリア(IV-7部会 職業と教育,研究発表IV,日本教育社会学会第58回大会)
- 卒業生調査からみた短期大学教育(家政学・短期大学)
- 本学における職業教育の現状と課題 : 在学中の就業体験(実習・インターンシップ・アルバイト)の活性化を目指して
- 地方短大の職業教育とインターンシップ : 長崎短期大学の実践報告から(I 論文・研究の部)
- 巻頭言
- 保育系短期大学卒業生の進路キャリア形成と短大評価(II)
- 巻頭言
- 保育系短期大学卒業生の進路・キャリア形成と短大評価
- 卒業生の現状から見た保育系短期大学の評価(2)
- 卒業生の現状から見た保育系短期大学教育の評価
- 保育者養成における高等学校保育科との連携を考える : 附属高保育科生徒の意識調査から見えるもの
- 保育実習事前指導における1つの試み : 実習記録日誌に関する学生の悩みにこたえて
- 短期大学の学生調査 : キャリア教育・職業教育の探求1
- 短期大学の学生調査2
- 「在学生調査」からみた長崎短期大学の教育 : 全国調査との比較から見えた本学教育の傾向と対策
- 巻頭言
- 巻頭言
- 巻頭言
- 巻頭言