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In an attempt to investigate the factors influencing the development of diabetic retinopathy, the sialic acid levels in platelets, lymphocytes, erythrocyte membrane, plasma and the sialidase activity in platelets and lymphocytes were measured in 60 patients with diabetes mellitus and 7 healthy subjects. Simultaneously the platelet aggregation with ADP (Born's method) were determined. The determination of sialic acid was carried out by our fully enzymatic method and sialidase activity by highly sensitive fluorogenic substrate, 4-MU-NANA. In diabetic patients as compared with healthy subjects, significant increase of sialic acid was found in plasma (P<0.05) and in platelets (P<0.01), but not in lymphocytes and in erythrocytes. Plasma sialic acid contents were varied by the degree of blood glucose levels or, with or without retinopathy. plasma sialic acid levels were high both in poor blood glucose control and in retinopathy groups (Scott III-IV). Both groups were statistically higher than in good control or in Scott o groups. Platelet sialic acid levels in Scott I-II (40.8 mg/g protein) and in Scott III-IV (43.8mg/g protein) group were statistically higher than Scott O group (26.8 mg/g proteiein). In twelve diahetic patients in good control with dietary treatment and who have no retinopathy, platelet sialic acid levels were significantly elevated as compared with healthy subjects, however sialic acid levels in plasma, lymphocytes and erythrocytes were not. In diabetic patients in poor control with retinopathy (Scott I-IV), sialidase activity in platets decreaSed significantly (P <0.001). The increase of sialic acid contents in platelets was cor-related with the intensity of platelet aggregation induced by 2μM ADP. Furthermore, a positive correlation was found between sialic acid contents of platelets and plasma (r=0.31). From the present observation, it was concluded that the determination of platelet sialic acid might provide useful information on the potency for development of retinal complication in diabetic patients. A positive correlation between sialic acid levels in platelets and in plasma suggests that the plasma sialoglycoprotein may enhance the platelet aggregation in diabetic patients.
- 神戸大学の論文
- 糖尿病性網膜症における血漿並びに血小板のシアル酸、シアリダーゼ活性、とくに、その臨床的意義に関する研究
- A New Method for the Determination of Sialic Acid Using Sialidase combined with NANA-Aldolase, and its Clinical Application