On the convergency to the limit cycle in the dynamical system of Multivibrator
知沢 清之
池上 宜弘
Dept. Of Math. College Of Humanities And Sciences Nihon Univ.
知沢 清之
Dept. of Math., Faculty of Engineering, Musashi Institute of Technology
- On 4-dim duck solutions with relative stability (双曲型力学系から大自由度力学系へ--RIMS研究集会報告集)
- 討論 (力学系の総合的研究)
- On the existence of duck solutions in a four-dimensional dynamic economic model (Modeling and Complex analysis for functional equations)
- Duck solutions in a four-dimensional dynamic economic model(Dynamics of functional equations and numerical simulation)
- On the convergency to the limit cycle in the dynamical system of Multivibrator
- 回路の正則化について(力学系理論と特異現象)
- Geometric Singular Perturbation Theory for Electrical Circuits(Theory of Dynamical Systems and Its Application to Nonlinear Problems)
- 電気回路網の跳躍現象を伴う動的挙動について
- On Existence of Tolerance Stable Diffeomorphisms (Theory of Dynamical Systems and Its Applications)
- Stability of Periodic Time Dependent Dynamical Systems (II) (電気回路の力学系)
- Periodic Time Dependent Dynamical Systemについて (常微分方程式の定性的研究)
- Stability of Periodic Time Dependent Dynamical Systems (電気回路の力学系)
- 微分可能な力学系の生成的性質について (電気回路の力学系)
- 大和氏の講演"トーラス上のあるエルゴード系"に関する討論 (力学系の総合的研究)
- 多様体上のカ学系 (力学系の総合的研究)
- カ学系におけるStabilityとGenericityについて (力学系の総合的研究)
- ON A LOCAL MODEL FOR FINDING 4-DIM DUCK SOLUTIONS (Dynamics of Functional Equations and Mathematical Models)
- ON THE TRANSVERSALITY CONDITIONS FOR 4-DIM DUCK SOLUTIONS (Modeling and Complex analysis for functional equations)
- A DIRECT METHOD FOR FINDING DUCKS IN $R^4$ (Mathematical models and dynamics of functional equations)
- ON A SLOW-FAST SYSTEM IN $R^6$ WITH DUCKS (Functional Equations in Mathematical Models)
- ON DUCK SOLUTIONS IN $R^4$ (Dynamics of Functional Equations and Related Topics)
- On a Duck and its Winding Number in the Minimal System (力学系理論の新しい展開)
- ON DUCKS IN THE MINIMAL SYSTEM (Singular phenomena of dynamical systems)
- THE COMPLETE DUCKS NOT SATISFYING $S^1$ (Methods and Applications for Functional Equations)
- ON AN $\omega$-INCOMPLETE DUCK AND ITS APPLICATION (Invariants of Dynamical Systems and Applications)
- On another type of ducks in the FitzHugh-Nagumo equation
- On a duck solution and delay in the FitzHugh-Nagumo equation(Structure of Functional Equations and Mathematical Methods)
- ON A QUASI-POTENTIAL IN CONSTRAINED DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS(Some Problems on the Theory of Dynamical Systems in Applied Sciences)