白居易「香炉峰下新卜山居草堂初成偶題東壁」詩小考 : 前聯の解釈をめぐって
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Bailetian(白楽天) who was famous poet during the Tag-dynasty(唐代) wrote the five cuclef Lu-shan(廬山). In this paper, I'll give careful consideration to the problem of the third poem, and focus on the first two nerses. These verses werw well known to Japanese classic writers, so there were many influential works in Japanese literature such as "Makurano-soshi"(枕草子), "The Tale of Genji"(源氏物語), and "poems of Sugawara Mchizane(菅原道真)". I'll give the verses a different reading for Bailetion's writing of the following 2 quotations. Listning to the bell of "Yiaisi Temple(遺愛寺)" and "Seeing the snowscape" from of his famous poems.
- 2006-03-30
- 白居易「香炉峰下新卜山居草堂初成偶題東壁」詩小考 : 前聯の解釈をめぐって
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