- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to describe the roles and relations for a local community to expect to private nature school using multiple field research methods spending one month once for three times. Representative X, who had studied outdoor education in university and experienced career relating to outdoor education projects in the private company in Tokyo for thirteen years, established Y nature school in 1996. It located in Z area which population was 116 and 53 houses (the March, 2003 present), and where was highland of 600m above sea level included in a quasi-national park and environmental severe land snow-covered all during winter season. The result of questionnaire for 31 houses (58.5%) showed that inhabitants expected to Y Nature School for the rolls of revitalization of the Z area and scene of interchange of young generation. The informal (n=7) and formal (n=3) interviews showed that they preferred to "face to face" relation, felt that it decreased with development of business of Y Nature School in compare with at the time of establishment, and made it with nature school' s staffs rather than representative X. These results suggested that nature school should make a relation with inhabitants as not only an organization but also as an individual of a representative and the staffs, so that nature school could make root in local community.
- 奈良教育大学の論文
- 2005-11-30
佐々木 豊志
岡村 泰斗
佐々木 豊志
豊留 雄二
中松 文子
岡村 泰斗
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