近似種か, 同一種かに関する 2∿3 の問題 : 収集家の参考のために
- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper deals with an advice related with species problem for shell collecting amateurs. The problem, whether the differences between two taxa are specific, or subspecific, or infrasubspecific, is discussed with an example of Euhadra eoa and its allies. Hybrids between two molluscan taxa may be found not only artificially, but also naturally. In some other cases, someone maintains that certain two taxa are conspecific, while other specialists consider that those two had already differentiated specifically. The difference between these two opinions may sometimes be rather slight, because it depends on the sense "what is the species?". There are many cases that man may consider either two taxa are conspecific, or differentiated specifically (or subspecifically), until proved experimentally.
- 1964-03-15
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- 近似種か, 同一種かに関する 2∿3 の問題 : 収集家の参考のために
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