壁面色彩とランプの色温度のくつろぎに求められる明るさへの影響 : 光天井の場合
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This paper reported the results of the experiment on the effect of color rendering of the wall and the correlated color temperature of lamp on the suitable illuminance and the satisfaction level for relaxation. The experiment was carried out with two lighting patterns: 1) a luminous ceiling; 2) a luminous ceiling and a point source in the center of the right wall. The subjects were seven young females. The conditions of wall color were N9 and 2.5Y8/2 as Munsell color system, and color temperature of lamp were 3000K(2800K), 5000K and 6700K. The experimental results showed that difference in wall color and lamp that we used in our daily life did not cause the clear effect of the suitable illuminance and the satisfaction level for relaxation. However the suitable illuminance became slightly low as the correlated color temperature became high and in addition the satisfaction level of 3000K was higher than that of 6700K in either wall color. When the satisfaction level was "satisfactory, somewhat satisfactory and neither satisfactory nor unsatisfactory", the suitable illuminance was different from the suggested illuminance by Kruithof.
- 2006-08-30
井上 容子
井上 容子
石田 享子
石田 享子
井上 容子
石田 享子
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