ノー・チャイルド・レフト・ビハインド法におけるアカウンタビリティ・システムの現状と課題 : ニュージャージー州の事例から
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The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) act, enforced by the Bush administration in January 2002, aims at the overall improvement of the students' achievement in the public schools across the United States and expects the drastic progress in the school reform activating the accountability system centering on the states' standardized tests with various administrative assistance and sanction based on the results of the tests. However, this accountability system using single and absolute goal named as AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress) to judge the improvement of schools is thought to make a lot of schools with many poor and minority students "fail" to meet the goal and receive various sanctions that the law defines for the "schools in need of improvement". In this paper, on the basis of the case studies of the implementation of the NCLB act in New Jersey, I examines how the difference in the racial and socioeconomic composition of the student body of each school reflect on the process in which the state judges the success and failure in the improvement under the standardized test and identifies the target of the sanctions. One main finding from the analysis of the results of the state's Grade Eighth Proficiency Assessment (GEPA) and the distribution of the middle schools in need of improvement is that most of the schools whose majority of the students is in "economically disadvantaged" status have been identified as in need of improvement by the state. Moreover, the strict application of the subgroup rules, which aims at the closure of the achievement gaps among social classes and racial groups, also has made it more difficult for the schools with many economically disadvantaged students to avoid being identified as in need of improvement because of relatively more benchmarks for their minority subgroups.
- 日本教育経営学会の論文
- 2005-05-30
- 中学校における「総合的な学習の時間」開発過程の影響要因 : 3つの中学校における事例研究から(I-3部会 学会(1),研究発表I,一般研究報告)
- ノー・チャイルド・レフト・ビハインド法におけるアカウンタビリティ・システムの現状と課題 : ニュージャージー州の事例から