Transport Properties of Ce_2Co_7B_3 in Magnetic Field(Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
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Thermopower S, resistivity ρ and magnetization M of Ce_2Co_7B_3 have been measured in magnetic fields up to 15T at temperature range from 2 to 1000K. The magnetic field dependence of S(H) and ρ(H) changes drastically at spin-flop critical field H_s=6.0T in 4.2K. A very large negative magnetoresistance is observed, 35% in 15T at 4.0K, suggesting large spin-spin interaction between s and d electrons. Magnetic phase transitions in temperature and field are experimentally obtained, a magnetic phase diagram is established. The S(T) measured up to 1000K suggests that a DOS peak exists at 250K apart from Fermi level (ε_F) in energy. Below H_s, a negative peak exists on the S(T) curve around 20K, which disappears suddenly at H_s. The negative peak is estimated coming from a super-zone boundary on ε-k curve caused by anti-ferromagnetic periodicity. The DOS below and above H_s have been estimated from experimental S(T) in terms of Mott's two band s-d scattering model.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 2006-04-15
Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo
仲間 隆男
矢ヶ崎 克馬
Faculty of Science, University of the Ryukyus
Faculty of Science, University of the Ryukyus
IDO Hideaki
Department of Applied Physics and Informatics, Faculty of Engineering, Tohoku Gakuin University
HEDO Masato
Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo
Hedo Masato
Institute For Solid State Physics (issp) The University Of Tokyo
Ido Hideaki
Department Of Applied Physics And Informatics Faculty Of Engineering Tohoku Gakuin University
NOTSU Shikou
Faculty of Science, University of the Ryukyus
Faculty of Science, University of the Ryukyus
Uwatoko Yoshiya
Institute For Solid State Physics (issp) The University Of Tokyo
Shimoji Yuko
Faculty Of Science University Of The Ryukyus
Notsu Shikou
Faculty Of Science University Of The Ryukyus
HEDO Masato
Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo
IDO Hideaki
Department of Applied Physics, Tohoku Gakuin University
Uwatoko Yoshiya
Institute for Solid State Physics
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