- 論文の詳細を見る
Several attempts have been made to reform foreign language education at Niigata University, however, none have succeeded to this date. Unfortunately, the budget cut due to the establishment of the University Corporation next year will oblige the university to curtail its foreign language programs. This study analyzes the attitude and ability of Niigata University students regarding foreign languages and investigates the possibility of making the foreign language programs more efficient and effective. According to the questionnaire conducted among juniors, they are not satisfied with their English education, while quite a number of them appreciate other foreign language programs, particularly for their introduction to foreign culture as well as language. The TOEIC test conducted among freshmen indicates that the ability gap among them is tremendously wide and that it is impractical to teach English without placement tests. Following the results of the questionnaire and the TOEIC test, the author proposes that English education should be differentiated according to levels and that other foreign language programs should be optional or intensive for the selective students.
- 新潟大学の論文
- John Dewey's Naturalism in Japan
- 語学教育に関する学生の意識調査の結果(,「外国語教育を考える」(第8回FD))
- 外国語教育に対する学生の意識調査とTOEICの試行結果(調査・研究報告)
- Alexander Meikeljohn 再考
- アメリカ州立大学の教育システム : ニューヨーク州立大学ストーニー・ブルック校を事例として(調査・研究報告)
- 私の授業改善 : 2001年度前期「比較文化」を題材として(授業実践・教材開発)