私の授業改善 : 2001年度前期「比較文化」を題材として(授業実践・教材開発)
- 論文の詳細を見る
"An Introduction to Comparative Culture" is an experimental course which attempts to overcome the limitations of the conventional one-way teaching methods, and to acquaint students to topics in a systematic way. The remit of the course includes reading, writing, presentation, and short tests. The use of the internet assists in the implementation and assessment of students' work in activities. An exit poll conducted among students indicated that the students enjoyed completing assignments and acquired a sense of achievement by the end of the semester. This would seem to confirm how necessary it is for teachers to incorporate interactive learning techniques into their programmes, and to concentrate on engaging students' attention during the course.
- 新潟大学の論文
- John Dewey's Naturalism in Japan
- 語学教育に関する学生の意識調査の結果(,「外国語教育を考える」(第8回FD))
- 外国語教育に対する学生の意識調査とTOEICの試行結果(調査・研究報告)
- Alexander Meikeljohn 再考
- アメリカ州立大学の教育システム : ニューヨーク州立大学ストーニー・ブルック校を事例として(調査・研究報告)
- 私の授業改善 : 2001年度前期「比較文化」を題材として(授業実践・教材開発)