自由選択制のためのルール : 「聴講取り」問題の解決のために(調査研究報告)
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When a student in our Niigata-Univ makes his course of study in the liberal arts, he has to expand much effort. Our students not only have to take a lot of classes but also in order to attend the first lessons of almost any class except the language and physical education classes, they must draw lots for permission to attend the class. Our students told us through questionnaires given to them, that they are tired out by the process getting permmits for the first week of a term. In this report I make clear that in the first week they draw a blank before they are formally registered about 5〜6 times on average. So they must attend a lot of lessons during the first week. As a result we have the common sight of over crowded passage ways in front of the lecture room. My purpose in this report is to develope way to reduce this competition that is like pub crawling.
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