新任教師の成長過程 : 8カ月間の面接を通して
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The purpose of the present paper was to describe the development of newly-appointed teachers through interviews for 8 monthes. 5 male and 4 femal newly-appointed elementary school teachers served as subjects. They were interviewed 6 times from March to November. They also answered the Classroom Structure Scale (CSS) in March, July, and November. The pupils from 4 classrooms under their charge answered the CSS in April, July, and November. Each teachers' responses to the questions in the interviews were described. Teachers' responses to the CSS were collated with pupils' ones. The developmental processes in newly-appointed teachers were extracted. (1) Through their perplexities in April and May, and their strains in first term, they can get a certain measure of composures and perspectives in second term. (2) Their changes in skills and thinking of controling pupils during 8 monthes were remarcable. These changes showed their developmemt as teachers. (3) Their experiences in first term, including many faults, were necessary for their development. (4) They ambivalently wished to be treated as new appointees and not to be despised as new ones. They gradually receive their weekness as they are. (5) By November, they can have selfconfidence and actual feeling of continuing to be teachers. We lastly considered the factores that affect the development of newly-appointed teachers.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1991-02-28
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- 新任教師の成長過程 : 8カ月間の面接を通して
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