The Effect of Adapted Readings on High-frequency Vocabulary Development : A Pilot Test
- ある米海軍上等兵と帝国陸軍兵の帰還物語
- Non-conscious Priming of Lexical Transfer
- The potential for nonconscious priming of lexical transfer
- 12. 法務省と「外国人問題」
- A List of Economics English
- Common Japanese Loanwords Corresponding to High-frequency and Academic Vocabulary : Are Our Students Ready for Foreign Study?
- The Effect of Adapted Readings on High-frequency Vocabulary Development : A Pilot Test
- Quantifying the Overlap and Quality of Japanese/English Cognate Paris
- 日常日本語における使用頻度の高い英語語彙
- Loanwords in the Media
- Biracials and Bullying : Preparing Kids for School