- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this paper as the study about the architectural environment is to clarify the genealogy of 'roof on architectural works by Le Corbusier (1887-1965) through the analysis of Le Corbusier (Euvres completes. The Maisons Dom-Ino in 1914, which is the proposition of the modern structural system for the rational production (the housing series), is adapted to the two types of house in the 1920's ; the Maisons Monol and the Maison Citrohan, and the flat slab of the Dom-Ino develops into the 'roof garden' and the 'parasol'. However, these two types of house are not the compulsion of the global form to the site, each roof is the negation of the conventional architectural form, at the same time it's for the harmony with the landscape by the different way.
- 広島大学の論文
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